Festival Participation
11. Deutsche Kurzfilmtage, Oberhausen 1965
The observations of teachers and students at the Stuttgart evening school poses the question of whether everyone has the same education opportunities. Out of the 200 night-school students who start out, only 17 reach their aim: Graduation from school, which is the entry ticket to university and possibly the key to happiness later.
The Film
Do You Have A Dregree?, a film about the situation of night-school students, gets right to the heart of the matter: In one interview sequence the camera swings backwards and forwards between a young husband and wife, who sit in their young child's playpen. First of all the woman speaks about how graduation from school is important for her husband so that he can further his intellectual horizons. Then the man explains that graduation is particularly important for him, since for a girl it is superfluous, unless she "wants to stay on her own and get herself an important career." The woman protests, the camera catches the hesitant exchange of glances between the couple: "superfluous, in this case at least. After all it takes a lot of effort" he adds, while she confirms this compromise: "Yes, I don't think I would have the energy."
Daniela Sannwald, Anschauung und Begriff 1995
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01: A good example of how documentary can look, if it is supposed to be more than a boring report.
ny, Stuttgarter Nachrichten 14.08.1968
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