Festival Participation
7. Internationales Forum des Jungen Films, Berlin 1977
21. London Film Festival, 1977
31. Edinburgh International Film Festival 1977
13. Chicago International Film Festival 1977
5. Grazer Filmtage 1977
Hong Kong Film Festival 1978
25. Sydney Film Festival 1978
1. Festival International De Films De Femmes,
Sceaux/Paris 1979
8. Film International Rotterdam 1979
4. Festival International de Films de Femmes,
Bruxelles 1981
27. Malbourn Film Festival 1978
Goethe Institut: Buenos Aires 1978, Rom 1980, Neapel 1980, Amsterdam 1980, Toulouse 1980, Palermo 1980
Deutsches Filmmuseum Frankfurt am Main,
Retrospektive 1988
Erika and Franziska haven't seen each other for 4 years. 10 years earlier they both felt that they had the same chances in life: both were young, attractive and imaginative. They overlooked what would, right from the outset, separate them: their very different emotional make-up, their different character.
Erika is the practical one. She says, "I will earn our daily bread. You go and find out what you might be interested in doing with your life." What she doesn't say is her expectation "...and then you can earn the money and I can go and find out what I want to do with my life."

Franziska is all too happy to do this. She changes her aims easily and often, and never reaches her goal. Maybe because she doesn't have one. Both are dissatisfied. Erika feels used. Franziska is annoyed that Erika allows herself to be used. Erika's passion is that she takes on more than she can handle, and then is surprised when no one else thinks of taking out the garbage. In a long nighttime discussion the friends try to clear up these problems - not without some glimmer of hope.
The Film
01: ...Interview Tschechowa, Speer...
Bezeichnung der Quelle
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01: In her two-person play Ula Stöckl uses beautiful pictures, which are masterfully arranged, to impart important knowledge and insights as to why human relations succeed and fail. The kitchen becomes a battleground and the narrow bath a confessional. A biting, instructional film about that complicated thing called friendship.
Kölner Stadtanzeiger 20./21.11.1976
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02: If one views the 2 women characters as one and the same person, then the film becomes clearly about the importance of understanding oneself, identifying one's own contradictions, finding out where one is and what demands are required of one.
Marilouise Alemann, Argentinisches Tageblatt, 14.11.1978
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